Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thing #18

I have been reading MySpace Unraveled: a Parent's Guide to Teen Social Networking. It has been very interesting and presents both the teens and the parents views of social networking on the internet.

I can see that social networking for the professional (suggested article) can be very helpful. I would think for small libraries it would be a godsend. For professionals and for people with specific hobbies it would be great. For teens and younger, I am still out. Does it really help them improve their social skills and does it allow them to really manage better in the real world is the sixty-four dollar question. If counting the number of friends you have, or blathering with older guys is the main content, then no. If you are hiding in your room on the computer everyday than definitly NO. The book I am reading talks about the dangers of exposing personal information in social networking. For example, sexual preference that can come back to haunt you when job interviewing.

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