Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thing #8

I created an account in Bloglines and added 10 posts. For me it went very well. I went to this public account and added her/his Tree Hugger feed to my account.
I also added Unshelved to my account by going to that web site and just clicking on their rss feed symbol. For me this exercise only took 1 and 1/2 hours and wasn't as frustrating as ususal.
Having a feed down load your favorite sites with updates could be useful, that is, if you used your computer to look at such sights.

I have a friend who lives in Mississippi. We were talking on the phone last night about setting up a family blog. Her son will be deployed to Iraq shortly. We will have to see how it goes. She is even more computer illiterate than I am.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thing #7

I have taken one of my kite photos and used an image generator to enhance it. I could not save it from the image generator to the KDL s: due to restrictions placed on my computer. I sent it to Flickr instead. Now I need to get out of Flickr into my Blog. I used FDSFLICKRTOYS which is the tag in Traveling Quilter Photostream. I tried retreiving the image from the sight where I created it. I now have two empty boxes I have shrunk but don't know how to get rid of. I have now e-mailed my self the image. I have checked my e-mail and did not receive my creation. Add one hour to time wasted getting nowhere. I have now created a blog in Flickr and the test page came but I still don't have my creation.
I decided that I would just start over and use a new generator. This time I used Chalk Board Message Generator. It worked like a charm. See attached picture. The generator saved the the image to S: Erma's stuff in a file called dogtags.jpg.
I also learned how to get rid of those empty boxes created by

Monday, September 24, 2007

Thing #6

The mashup I liked best was Trip Planner. I think this would be a great place to create a trip itinerary for when we take a trip with our motor home. We put our pictures on the net for family but having the maps and brochures of places would really round out the pictures nicely.

Thing # 5

I am trying to upload a picture that I saved to Flickr by using the tools provided in Blogger.
Here goes. I got the picture from my computer. I could not make get an image from a URL work.
I did not get this picture from Flickr.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thing # 1-3

I find this very frustrating. Every time I try to save my work I get a can't find page screen.

After having read the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learning, I find the easiest to be "Take responsibility" and the hardest to be "Use technology to your advantage. Why would it be to my advantage if all I do is get frustrated?