Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thing #23

I have made it pretty plain about which sites I liked. On the whole 23 Things has been a positive experience. I have been reading additional articles from Library Journal. One was from 9/15/07 on DEL.ICIO.US. The second was in 11/1/07. It was on using Web 2.0 to help with readers' advisory. LibraryThing, and Goodreads , and the Ann Arbor District Library Catalog were listed as good places to get RA help. I thought this aspect of Web 2.0 was a great library use. I have been and always will be into life long learning, and will probably try more online in the future. I am looking forward to my MP3 player so that I can download from the internet which I have not done-to-date. Being unable to download software so that programs work effectively and efficiently is frustrating. If I was here I would do it again.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thing #22

I added an audio podcast called Driven to quilt with 13 episodes to my Bloglines account. I believe that I would enjoy listening to all these episodes. The podcast originates in Germany and may have some interesting cultural perspectives.
On the category library had 39 entries. I tried the author interview of Pope Brock by the Kankakee Public Library. Podcasts look like an interesting way to hear interesting speeches and interviews. Much more useful that the music sites.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thing #21

Online video looks like it could be fun to both create and watch. I chose the following video Chose the video because of my quilting theme. I thought the site was easy to search and view things. I think videos like this on our public computers could help our public navigate better with less questions to the staff.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thing #20

Yes I think the video was created for the public. All the concepts about linking, editing and people connecting are here now. Does it mean we need to think about family, privacy and a lot of other concepts the answer is yes. The question about what is relevant in education is very crucial. The students who blog through class and say their classes are no relevant, what do they know about history and what they will really need in the future to survive. This technology makes for a very "me" generation which we already know is a problem.