Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thing #19

You have just hit a zero interest area. I only listen to the radio for weather in the morning when I get up for work. I never listen to music unless forced too, someone else is driving and is controlling the radio. I am looking forward to my MP3 player so that I can download books and will never have to listen to the radio (silence is better). I looked at the AARP suggestion but have no interest in dowdloading music or organizing my non-existent CD collection or anyone else's collection.

Thing #18

I have been reading MySpace Unraveled: a Parent's Guide to Teen Social Networking. It has been very interesting and presents both the teens and the parents views of social networking on the internet.

I can see that social networking for the professional (suggested article) can be very helpful. I would think for small libraries it would be a godsend. For professionals and for people with specific hobbies it would be great. For teens and younger, I am still out. Does it really help them improve their social skills and does it allow them to really manage better in the real world is the sixty-four dollar question. If counting the number of friends you have, or blathering with older guys is the main content, then no. If you are hiding in your room on the computer everyday than definitly NO. The book I am reading talks about the dangers of exposing personal information in social networking. For example, sexual preference that can come back to haunt you when job interviewing.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thing #17

The Wikipedia entry is interesting because of the links that you can add link to KDL's home page. How much duplication is necessary when you can easily get to our home page through Google? I am finding the internet to uncontrolled with too many ways to do the same thing.

The ALA wiki for New Orleans was interesting. I can see its use because ALA at ... is a one time conference and it is nice to have everything about the conference and New Orleans at your finger tips.

SJCPL was fun because they defined their subject catagories and Book Lovers wiki was nice because it linked directly to the book's status in the catalog. All the suggested sites provided in teresting library usage.

Thing #16

I enjoyed using Technorati. When I searched, today 10/26/07, for Learning 2.0 in Tag search, I got 675 hits, in Blog directory 837 hits and Blog post exact phrase 457. A quick view showed unique posts in all searches. I do not plan to spend a lot of time searching for favorite blogs and then reading them on a regular basis ( if not regularly why have them) but I will try to get an out of town friend to blog with me. Maybe we can expand our discussions by viewing some blogs and commenting on our findings. I sure like this program a whole lot more than del.icio.us.

When I was searching Learning 2.0, I chose a library site and completed a survey asking how middle management was supporting their staff in the goal of educating themselves in Learning 2.0.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thing #15

This is the account I created in dei.icio.us. http://del.icio.us/travellingquilter. It has nothing in it. I have no bookmarks to import. I did a search on quilting but got many of the same sights that I created in my RSS feeds. If you had a lot of bookmarks this would make it easy to access them when you weren't on your home computer but no bookmarks so I reserve judgement on it's usefulness. I feel that there is a lot of duplication going on. For someone who isn't going to be on a computer every day or even once a week, this may be nice to know but no exactly high priority. http://del.icio.us/subscriptions/travellingquilter is where I have subscribed to several quilting sites. This is not easy software to us. At the moment it is my least favorite.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thing #14

I looked at the winning site PEERTRAINER under the catagory Health. I think that it could be very interesting having a small peer group be your support group. When you join PEERTRAINER you need to join one or more support groups. You need to dialog daily about your food intake, exercise habits, etc. This is a great idea and probably works very well but is a very big time commitment in your life to spend the time being a health fitness nut when you hate exercise and love to eat. I would explore this site more in the future when I am willing to make a commitment. You can create your own group so it would be fun to have your peer group made up of work friends. I am sure that the concept of peer groups commumicating on the net can be used at work sites for other areas also. http://www.peertrainer.com/

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thing #13

I created an account in Zoho Writer. I created a document called "first document" and successfully e-mailed to my KDL e-mail. I tired to get into Zoho show 3 times but was not able to get in. I went back into Zoho writer and checked out the template library. I uploaded the petty cash template to my Templates. When I tried to use the petty cash template in a document I recieved an message that the computer had to logoff the internet. I went in again and uploaded the petty cash template. When I tried to use it in a document, I was again logged of the internet. I have sent an hour working on this assignment. Looks like it has possibilities.
The "first document" file worked great.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thing #12

It was a lot of fun creating my search roll. http://www.rollyo.com/travelling_quilter/ I just picked some quilting sites that looked like fun. It would be very useful to link my travelling to quilt shops, shows, museums, and historic sights in a particular area. I would need to do more searching for URL's that would provide that information.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thing #11

I found it very easy to use LibraryThing. I added six of my quilt books by putting in the ISBN number and searching Amazon. All the books came rightup. I have about 200 quilt books that I may eventually add when I have time to get tags better organized. I only added two tags to begin. One tag was "quilting" for all the books and the second was the main theme of the book like color or design. I searched Amazon by title and author (novels) but did not add them to my library. Fun. http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=e-quilt&shelf=shelf

Monday, October 1, 2007

Thing #10

I read all five of the articles. In Icebergs, I found that his putting down the "come to us" model of library service does not address the loss of the library as a community and the ability to pass milages. The use of Web 2.0 tools by librarians for the benefit of the user sounds good. We do need the education. Better cooperation as suggested by OCLC resulting in building better data and better user friendly tools are great goals, and better bibliographic systems using "metadata" is great to. But what about all those who haven't the financial where-with-all to effectively learn and use these tools? Is the library with it's limited teaching abilities really helping those in need? Or are we just providing more for those with more (convenience for the haves)?

Thing #9

I searched the topic of quilting on Feedstar.com. I found plenty to look at. It was easy and fun.
It was very easy to get current news topics from Topix.net. I was moved to M-Live and got a list of news briefs and the full news report when I clicked on the brief. Easy.
I did not like Syndic8.com. I was to technical and required a sign-up. Technorati had a moving up-to-date live feed. It was fun to watch and just click on the brief to see more in-depth reports. My personal choice is Feedstar.com.