Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thing #23

I have made it pretty plain about which sites I liked. On the whole 23 Things has been a positive experience. I have been reading additional articles from Library Journal. One was from 9/15/07 on DEL.ICIO.US. The second was in 11/1/07. It was on using Web 2.0 to help with readers' advisory. LibraryThing, and Goodreads , and the Ann Arbor District Library Catalog were listed as good places to get RA help. I thought this aspect of Web 2.0 was a great library use. I have been and always will be into life long learning, and will probably try more online in the future. I am looking forward to my MP3 player so that I can download from the internet which I have not done-to-date. Being unable to download software so that programs work effectively and efficiently is frustrating. If I was here I would do it again.

1 comment:

eQuilt: e-Quality in Learning and Teaching said...

Hello there
I hope this finds you well. I was wondering whether you still want this equilt blog? I noticed that you have not used it in a long time, and I would like to use this blog name to share my journey in teaching and learning. If you are not using your blog anymore, would you please consider deleting it so the name becomes available? If you are willing to delete it could you please email me at, so I can go online and claim the name? Thanks! Mary